Song Ceremony*
*This ceremony you just listened to was created by Kay Cordell Whitaker and is presented here with slight modifications.
This is the completion of Part 2.
And a good time to take a break. Get up and walk around, drink some water, go to the bathroom…
Next I hope that you will take time to allow yourself to remember the various experiences that you had in this online class – Part 1 and Part 2. Give your self time to remember the sensual data of your memories and the feeling of the memory, the experience. Write the special things down.
I would love to hear of the various experiences you had from participating in this class.
Here are some things that others have shared with me.
1) what had the biggest effect on them,
2) what touched their heart the most,
3) descriptions of their experiences with the ID questions,
4) what was most surprising about the information in the Song Lecture,
5) how they responded to the Ka Ta See understanding of unconditional love,
6) their experience of the Ceremony of Finding Your Song,
7) changes in their sense of self,
8) or comments on any aspects of the presentation of the class,
…and anything else you would like to say. Please use the comment box below.
Click here to set up a Free Hour Conversation with me about pursing other Ka Ta See studies. One option that is available now is an online Ka Ta See Mentorship Gathering.
Explore my webpage about the
private Traditional Counseling Sessions and distance healings.
Information about other events teachings and gatherings will be sent by email.
Hope to talk to you soon in the
free conversation
mentioned above. Set up your conversation by phone or email.
Barb Culbertson
Traditional Ka Ta See Teaching, Counseling, and Healing