In May of this year I gave a short presentation at the Women of Santa Fe Networking Group about my work as a Traditional Ka Ta See Counselor. Here is it.
A Couple of years ago a woman in her early 70s came to one of my Ka Ta See workshops. During the discussion time after the morning ceremonies she talked about how her experience of the ceremonies gave her a way to forgive herself for giving her son up for adoption at birth.
At the time she felt it was in the best interest for her son’s future. Since then, she continued, she had carried a sense of failure and
grief deep inside.
Her love for her son was so present in her voice and the shift in her countenance from the forgiveness she found was beautiful and moving.
As I work with people in individual counseling sessions or in group settings I provide ceremonies and spiritual practices that guide people to experience themselves differently.
For more information click here.
Here’s an example of my own journey of healing through the Ka Ta Se teachings.
Jumping to conclusions and holding expectations used to be something I did a lot.
When my daughter was in her teens, there was a night that she stayed out very late without informing us where she was or when she would be home.
As I waited to hear from her I spent time expressing to myself fears of the possible car accident or by making up the disregard that she was holding for me with her lack of communication….
I rehearsed in my mind all the ways that I would point out to her those motives and to let her know that she had done something “wrong.”
What I know now from the Ka Ta See teachings is that every thought word, emotion, and belief that we carry inside of us is constantly being broadcast
out into the world.
And when I’m thinking of a specific person or place those thoughtforms – the energies and information carried in our thoughts emotions and beliefs engage with this person subconsciously, sometimes this information reaches their conscious mind.
Either way it has an impact on their lives.
I know now from experience that it is much more powerful to send images or thoughts of love and things like clarity of mind, groundedness, and in this situation with my daughter, to be curious about what was going on in her life that had her choose not to communication with me.
Its so much more powerful than holding in my mind images and pictures of fear and judgment.
At this time in my life I wasn’t able to stand back and see the way that we’ve learned in our culture to make up scenarios about situations or interactions and jump into them and live them in our mind and sometimes in the presence of others.
But we do throw the scripts that we hold in our minds energetically to others forcing thoughts and words into their field without their permission.
When we are sure that someone is doing something “wrong” often the problem is that we have been holding up pictures to them with instructions about how we think they should feel, think and act.
Its a way of pretending we are in control and that our power is held in the scenario.
There is never room for new and accurate information to come into a situation when we are holding expectations – instructions – or jumping to conclusions.
A combination of the clarity in the
Ka Ta See teachings and learning the skills of unconditional love helped me discover that it was my blind belief about being powerless that drove my desire to hold expectations and
jump to conclusions.
I just mentioned two concepts that I want to say more about, blind beliefs and the skills of unconditional love.
Blind beliefs are beliefs that we’ve never explored to see if they are true, accurate or beneficial for ourselves, others or the world around us.
They are often subconscious but can be beliefs that we are aware of. They are the root cause of repetitive patterns.
In the traditional Ka Ta See Counseling that I provide, I help people find the root cause of their repetitive patterns.
Free online Introduction to Ka Ta See
In Ka Ta See, learning to live by unconditional love is a skill. One Ka Ta See understanding of unconditional love is referred to affectionately as the
The word “NO” often brings to mind limitations or constriction. But learning to live by these NO NOs provides clarity, freedom and the ability to see possibilities.
Here they are: No judgments, no expectations, no jumping to conclusions, no assumptions, no unworthiness, no arrogance, no blind beliefs.
Read more about these on my
Free Online Class.
In the Traditional Ka Ta See Counseling that I do I support people on their path to living by these NO NOs.
My learning the skills of unconditional love and having the knowing and experiences of the steadfast and beautiful understanding of self from the Ka Ta Se teachings has been my path for repairing my relationships to myself and others and creating so much newness in my life.
The word Song is the Ka Ta See reference to their truth, their totality, their identity. Their experience of their identity is full of happiness, peace, clarity, fun, and the knowing of their vastness.
In the Traditional Ka T See Counseling that I offer I teach people skills that help them distinguish their truth from cultural trainings and to live from their truth.
To gain a brief experience of their understanding of self click here.
My promise to my students and counseling clients is:
1) to provide a dependable safe place full of permission to explore the depths of yourself and the exquisiteness of what’s possible and doable.
2) to help you find the gifts of the Ka Ta See practices and ceremonies for your daily life and for the dreams you hold deeply.
3) to teach you skills that will deepen your closeness and ease with your self and others.
4) to guide you to the powerful and effective Ka Ta See ways of building relational foundations that birth kindness for all.
Free 30-minute introduction to these
extraordinary teachings.
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Barb Culbertson
Traditional Ka Ta See Counseling, Teaching and Healing